Friday, February 10, 2023

Trip to the dark side Part 1

Wow! I have forgotten that this was even up. It reminds me of my many minstry opportunities . So you want to know what I have been up to since 2014? Here it goes. Well I left Kansas City and came back to Nashvegas. That is when tequila became my only friend. Of course I had friends that loved me dearly but at the time all I wanted to do was drink. From 2015 to June 2018 I drank and smoked weed every night. I woke up one morning wanting to put a gun to my head and pull the trigger. That was my wake up call that I needed help. I called a rehab in Florida and was in Umatilla, Florida in less than 48 hours later. The bus ride there hell on earth. My first layover was the greyhound station in Atlanta and man was that an eye opener. I had not experienced the sadness of people's lives in one setting like that. I had to sleep in one of the bus station chairs and let me tell you how comfortable that was . It was like sleeping in hell. The lights are on all night and the chairs are hard. I met an old women who kept talking to me about weed . She was my protector. God, my God which is the Holy Trinity, was there the whole time telling me that if I did not get my act together this is where I would end up.