Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Having a purpose

I think we all wonder what our purpose in this world is suppose to be. If you are a Christian your purpose is to love God and others everyday. This means alot of things. Sometimes it means letting go because they are not ready to let Jesus Christ transform them. I have a guy like this in my life. I have spent a year going to his house once a week and about 4 months ago I stopped going. At first I felt bad but I invited him to church everyday for a year and he only came once. I would go to his house and read the bible and pray for him. I would bring food over sometimes becasue I knew he was hungry. I really wanted this guy to come to church and get involved with people. Going to church and getting involved gets him out of his place. He lives in a part of town where he get taken advantage of alot because there are drunks and prostitutes that break in to his house. It is a hard thing to do but I know there are others out there who are ready to let Jesus transform them and they need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. That Jesus loves them and cares about them. IF they say yes to him he will change them. Sometimes the devil can use our guilt to stop the gospel from spreading. I challenge you to use wisdom when with the amount of time you are spending on a person. The Lord will reveal if the person is ready to change and know that only God can change them you cannot. You can only love them and preach the gospel. I think you can still love someone but also know that they are not ready to come to church or to let God transform them. My friend is still my friend but I cannot spend to much time with him because he is not on a road that Christ has me on and I have to pray that the Holy spirit will eventually get him in church.


  1. I'm so glad you have a blog! Check our's out too!

  2. That's really interesting Blake. It's kind of like what we were talking about in 1 Timothy yesterday.

  3. Hi Blake, I just visited your blog for the first time (I'm a friend of Matt Perkins and he was linked to your blog) and like what I read. I just read this post and two others but enjoyed the content...It's not always easy to know how much time to spend on one person and I agree we need wisdom to know when God is leading us to minister to someone else...So where do you live at? I'm in Lake Oswego, OR.
